Sunday, March 25, 2007

Nose ticks

Want to take the die out of diet - lick a witch.

Have you found your own personal saviour yet?

Life according to Kate.

The eagle is landing (but alights gently on 15k p/wk).

High-end hijinx.

Of one nose.

Blessed relief & miracles do happen.

Then it all comes down to this moment - maybe Memphis Steve can get a flat cat?

Heaven (notably, on my blogday) and (eeyooo) hell.

Monday, March 12, 2007

IWD 07

Thursday came and went with no acknowledgement of International Women's Day at TDM, no brunches and no sundowners, so in recognition to all those who dutifully give us reminders of what women's rights are actually for every year on this day, finally here's a post to sum up a few important reminders.

Nobody is more eloquent or insightful about the need for vigilance in relation to the rights of women both in this country and internationally, than Sydney journalist Dr Anne Summers, who won a Walkley at the tender age of 21 for her work about a women's shelter.

She is now the head of Greenpeace International and has been the adviser on women's rights to some of Australia's most iconic PMs. She was also a close friend of Juanita Nielsen - which is particularly poignant at the moment, given Abe Saffron's son is lifting the lid on one of Australia's biggest mysteries - the identity of the Nielsen's killer. With an inquiry into the murders of another 5 Aussie journalists in Balibo in 1975 taking place only this year - 32 years on, the gaoling of two mainstream reporters for refusing to reveal sources only just last year, questionable raids on Carmel Travers office when making a whistleblower doco and a lot of increasingly repressive media legislation during Howard's time in office - press freedom and the safety of journalists is still very much a concern even in a country like Oz, which is supposed to have such a good record for press freedom. Here is Summer's speech from the Nielsen Memorial Lecture from 2004.

HRW calls for community awareness of violence against girls.

IWD audit reveals inadequate systems in place in Australian government to protect the human rights of women, inadequate representation of women in parliament at 28.3%, a lack of action on women's policy promises and withdrawal of funding to women's NGOs. There's not long till the election, can anyone seeing Rudd getting past the 'machine' - is it time perhaps for him to move over for his better half?

Fantastic crime stats in the ice-age

The determination of the victim to survive an attack at a Perth metro ATM was really amazing, maybe it was inspired by becoming a dad only a couple weeks before. Clearly the offenders, who hacked the man through the throat with a pick-axe, were some very disturbed individuals.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Turning 2 today

TDM has clocked up another year on the archives.

Thanks to all the regular readers and commenters for your input & output, and here's to another 12 months of dissenting opinion and a free indy media.

Big ups to: the long-suffering Saint, the insightful Belongum, raunchy Sydney Steph, the sublimely subversive Cowgirl, and to the reliably recalcitrant Irish contingent (regardless of which continent you find yourselves on after a heavy night of grog-blogging) and the Monkey Boy. Cheers to the straight up 'n' down journos who bust out of the mainstream and venture into the 'Sphere, & occasionally, are even fearless enough to leave a comment here.

& in the immortal words of Daily Telly columnist Anita Quigley(August 5,2005),
'why some pimply-faced geek, sicko or average Joe Blow thinks someone else wants to read every random thought that crosses their minds, is beyond me...blogging is the ultimate form of narcissism.' Hallelujah! (The day they start understanding is the day it won't be worth doing!)